Monday, March 10, 2008

Lawrence Kansas Dentist | Galen Van Blaricum

Although I've been living in Lawrence for about 10 years, I never once visited a dentist in Lawrence until about a month ago. Before that time I either went in my home town (when I was in college and mom scheduled them) or didn't go at all (probably at least the last 3 years - can you believe that, no dentist visits in 3 years!). In any event, and I mean this in the most loving way possible, eventually my wife made me go to the dentist. I just told her to sign me up with whoever she used, and I ended up at Dr. Van Blaricums.

Dr. Van Blaricum's office is located at 3310 Mesa Way, Lawrence Kansas, 66049. Their website can be found here. The office from the outside looks like any other. It is located in a business plaza and has an unassuming exterior. Upon entering, I was greeted at the front desk (at 5:30 mind you - catering to the working crowd is definitely a good thing) by a cheerful young woman who guided me through the initial paperwork required of an initial visit. After finishing that up I began my visit.

I won't bore you with the details of the visit, but I will tell you this; it was about as good a visit as you could have at the dentist. I personally get a little creeped out at the dentist, and don't really like people digging around in my mouth. But the assistant that did the initial check and the dentist that checked me out (it wasn't Van Blaricum, I think it was Dr. Newkirk, who although looks young did a great job) were great. Not only did they check my teeth out well, they were personable and nice.

If you are just moving to Lawrence or have lived here for a while and haven't selected a dentist yet, I'd highly recommend Dr. Galen Van Blaricum and his team. They provide great service, are happy to help you, and want you to have better teeth. Give them a try the next time you need some dental help, you won't be disappointed.

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